There are numerous health benefits of blueberries and strawberries for men and women including strengthening of immune system, protection against various types of cancers, arthritis and stroke. Find below the seven ultimate health benefits of blueberries and strawberries:
Table of Contents
Health Benefits of Blueberries And Strawberries
Protection Against Deadly Diseases (Strawberries Vs Blueberries Antioxidant)
Both Strawberries and blueberries are highly antioxidant, provide great defense against various types of cancer. Strawberry contains ellagic acid which provides protection against growth of cancer inside the body. This antioxidant property of strawberries and blueberries also helps in reduction of bad Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and increases good HDL cholesterol leading towards lesser heart diseases.
Numerous studies reveal that individuals who take strawberries and blueberries in their diet have lower risk of heart diseases as compared to those who do not include berries in their diet. Various flavonoids including quercetin in strawberry are responsible for fighting against numerous types of cancer. Strawberry contains folic acid which helps in minimizing various defects during prenatal period.
Immune System Strengthening
Strawberries and blueberries are rich in Vitamin-C, resulting in strong immune system both in adults and children. Vitamin C also helps in provision of healthy vision by creating shield against sun’s ultraviolet rays. Strawberries and blueberries contains sufficient amount of potassium which helps in boosting intellectual capacity and also helps in diminishing veins stiffness.
Keeps Blood Pressure Normal
Both berries contains magnesium and potassium which helps regulating blood at optimum pressure. Strawberries contain anthocyanins known as flavonoid which is highly antioxidant and helps in reduction of high blood pressure.
Anti Inflammatory Properties
Both berries are rich in substances that leads towards to provision of anti inflammatory diet helps in protecting against various types of diseases including allergies, cancer, arthritis and stroke.
Benefits of blueberries for Skin
There are huge benefits of blueberries for skin. Vitamin C in blueberry and strawberry helps in giving fresh and younger looks. The Vitamin C in berries generate proteins insides the body provides which are beneficial for skin health and possess anti aging capabilities.
The folic acid present in strawberries and blueberries act as a shied against aging of the brain and helps in keeping you younger. Strawberries are rich in alpha-hydroxy acid leading towards fresher and smoother skin. Ellagic acid present in strawberries and blueberries helps in eliminating wrinkles.
Blueberry And Strawberry Benefits for Hair
Both Blueberries and Strawberries contain huge amount of ellagic acid which is highly antioxidant and helps in preventing hair loss. Vitamin C present in strawberries helps in minimizing dandruff and boost hair development.
Health benefits of Blueberries for Weight Loss
Strawberries and blueberries contain very less amount of calories. Ten gram strawberries contain only 3.3 calories. The high content of fiber in strawberries and blueberries keeps your tummy full for high duration. As a result you don’t crave for food and eat less which results in a low calorie intake leading towards weight loss.
Moreover this fiber also helps in maintaining digestive system which is a key element in reducing weight and eventually boost the metabolic rate. These health benefits of blueberries and strawberries make them the best fruits for weight loss as they act as a shield against obesity.
Numerous studies have found that people having strawberries and blueberries intake in their diet have lost their weight significantly as compared to those who have not added berries in their diet.
How to add berries in your Diet
You can add strawberries and blueberries in your diet by utilizing them with yogurt and cereals. You can also add berries in your salad. The best and yummiest way to add berries in your diet is by utilizing them in smoothies.
Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information
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